Yearns Finance Express Payment Gateway Documentation


If payer wants to fund payments using Yearns Finance, set payer to Yearns Finance.
(Other payment method ex: paypal, stripe, coinpayments etc not available yet).


Specify a payment amount and the currency.


It’s a Transaction resource where amount object has to set.


Set the urls where buyer should redirect after transaction is completed or cancelled.


It’s a payment resource where all Payer, Amount, RedirectUrls and Credentials of merchant (Client ID and Client Secret) have to set. After initialized into payment object, need to call create method. It will generate a redirect URL. Users have to redirect into this URL to complete the transaction.

Installation Instruction :

Click download for the package download

Now, go to php-sdk/src/PayMoney/Rest/Connection.php, then change BASE_URL value to your domain name
(i.e: If the domain is - '' then, define( 'BASE_URL' , '' ) )

Example :
    require 'vendor/autoload.php';

    //if you want to change the namespace/path from 'PayMoney' - lines[1-5] - to your desired name,
    i.e. (use PayMoney\Api\Amount; to use MyDomain\Api\Amount;), then you must change the folders name that holds
    the API classes as well as change the property 'PayMoney' in (autoload->psr-0) of (php-sdk/composer.json) file to your
    desired name and run "composer dump-autoload" command from sdk root

    use PayMoney\Api\Payer;
    use PayMoney\Api\Amount;
    use PayMoney\Api\Transaction;
    use PayMoney\Api\RedirectUrls;
    use PayMoney\Api\Payment;

    //Payer Object
    $payer = new Payer();
    $payer->setPaymentMethod('PayMoney'); //preferably, your system name, example - PayMoney

    //Amount Object
    $amountIns = new Amount();
    $amountIns->setTotal(20)->setCurrency('USD'); //must give a valid currency code and must exist in merchant wallet list

    //Transaction Object
    $trans = new Transaction();

    //RedirectUrls Object
    $urls = new RedirectUrls();
    $urls->setSuccessUrl('') //success url - the merchant domain page,
    to redirect after successful payment, see sample example-success.php file in sdk root,
    example -
    ->setCancelUrl(''); //cancel url - the merchant domain page, to redirect after
    cancellation of payment, example -

    //Payment Object
    $payment = new Payment();
    $payment->setCredentials([ //client id & client secret, see merchants->setting(gear icon)
    'client_id' => 'place your client id here', //must provide correct client id of an express merchant
    'client_secret' => 'place your client secret here' //must provide correct client secret of an express merchant

    try {
     $payment->create(); //create payment
     header("Location: ".$payment->getApprovedUrl()); //checkout url
    } catch (Exception $ex) {
     print $ex;

Optional Instructions

If you don't see changes after configuring and extracting SDK, go to your SDK root and run the commands below:-

composer clear-cache

composer install

composer dump-autoload